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1 March 2022

"All this built-up conditioning that causes us to judge ourselves so much. Number one is starting to be. Fall in love with your process and with who you are and acceptance of yourself." - Jessica Schembri

About the 


Jessica Schembri is a personal coach specialising in mindsets and business growth. She's a successful podcast host and teaches listeners and clients how to live a fulfilled life in alignment with their values.

The Production Talk Podcast - The modern way of producing music

In this episode:

  • About the guest, mindset specialist, business coach and podcast host, Jessica Schembri

  • The creative and logical side of creativity, and how this relates to feminine and feminine attributes within all of us

  • Flow state in creativity

  • The importance of having a long-term vision or end-goal

  • Mindsets: 'victim mentality' versus 'abundance mindset'

  • The map of consciousness and energetic frequency

  • 'Scarcity, desperation and need' versus 'love, joy and peace'

  • The struggle to finish up projects, and how to overcome that

  • How to cultivate happiness right now


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Contact the podcast host Jan 'Yarn' Muths at

Disclaimer: The Production Talk Podcast is independent of (and not related to) my teaching responsibilities at SAE.


Jan 'Yarn' Muths or, in the studio


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Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Welcome to the Production Talk podcast with me, Yarn, of In this podcast series, we celebrate the modern way of producing music. We want to talk about all things related to songwriting, recording at home and music production. So, if you produce your music at home, this is the place to be. Please subscribe and recommend this podcast to all your friends. This is the Production Talk Podcast episode 31. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Welcome back, and thank you for joining me again for another episode of the Production Talk Podcast. Before we begin this episode, I'd like to acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of the land that the following conversation was recorded on, the Arakwal People of the Bundjalung nation and pay my respects to elders past, present and emerging. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Today, I'm super excited to announce this interview with Jessica Schembri. Jessica Schembri is a business coach and podcast host of the abundance hub podcast. She's also a specialist in mindset, and I've been very fascinated with this entire world because I know that we put a lot of effort into building our creative craft. At the same time, we need to know a certain degree of business skills to make a return from all our creative skills. And when it comes to the business side of it, I definitely consider myself a student on a learning curve with plenty left to discover. So, when I discovered Jessica's abundance hub podcast, I was super excited and learned so much from it. And I was fascinated by her understanding of the human mind and how the mindset and the mental approach can help people succeed in their business, or if something's misaligned can also stand in the way of succeeding. So I'm very fascinated about the interaction between creativity, business, and how this interacts with our state of mind. And I hope to speak to Jessica today, to shine some light on this, and I really hope that you get heaps of valuable information out of it. But just to manage expectations right at the beginning, by no means, will this be a conclusive episode that answers all your questions for good. Instead, take this episode as a first little spark that would hopefully ignite your curiosity to learn more about yourself, to consider approaching things differently if things don't currently work. And search for a method to find the solution within yourself. Okay, good. Enough of this. Let's get straight to the good stuff. Here is my interview with Jessica Schembri. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Jessica, thank you so much for making the time. I know that your time is very valuable and it's very rare to get time with you. So, I'm very grateful that you made time for me today. Welcome and good to have you. Jessica Schembri: Thank you. Thank you. I'm excited to be here. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: It's great to have you. Say, you're a specialist for business and mindset. Is that fair to say, Jessica Schembri: Yeah, definitely. I'm a little bit of, I suppose, backstory, if you don't, if you don't mind me sharing. Um, I S I started off my coaching journey really focused on. Uh, Mike being a mindset coach. And I would, I used to talk a lot about healing trauma and doing all of those things, but what I, um, and I help, I have helped a lot of people in that arena, but what I also came to realize in the last two or three years was that the reason a lot of people's businesses fail is because of the mindset or the lack of ability to push through those, those limiting beliefs or those traumatic events. And so now, and I think people, it sounds a bit funny, but I think people actually like the idea of hiring a business coach more than they do a trauma coach or a mindset coach. Jessica Schembri: So, um, so yeah, I'm very passionate about helping people with business. From a strategic point of view, but also from a point of view of let's really get to the bottom of, of what's happening for you. So that then you can open up the chain of abundance felt, you know, for what you want to create. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: So your podcast is the abundance podcast and I find it very, very inspiring. So, I I've taken a lot of valuable information from it for my own business. You know, I run a small business. I'm still starting up, but I've taken a lot of good things from you. And I would like to open this a bit up and talk about the musical community. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: So, we live at a time where you know, about 60,000 songs are released every day on Spotify and, uh, are literally up for sale from Spotify for a fraction of a cent and musicians live at a time where there's fierce competition. There's just an overwhelming number of, of competitors in the market and, and very low income. And that's at a time when COVID hit us. So. Uh, how can a musician these days not be negative? I guess that's my question. We have so much that's feels like the world is rigged up against musicians or am I already looking at it from a wrong mindset point of view. What is your take on that? Jessica Schembri: Um, that's such an interesting, I mean, I must give everyone context I'm in no way aligned with the music industry. So obviously it's, um, it's always interesting. I'm not an expert in that, but I can definitely understand. From a perspective of COVID and then obviously live gigs shutting down as well and festivals there's, there's been a lot of hard hit on that, on that whole industry. Jessica Schembri: Um, Would you feel, would you relate music like being an artist and creating music as a similar, as a similar thing to being an artist like a painter, or like, do you see it as a, as a, not as a blanket, but you know, as a whole, any artist can be a struggling one. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Well, yes. I think what I want to talk about would probably apply to artists all over the world. Um, Jan 'Yarn' Muths: as I believe artists, we all. Struggle with these two worlds, the creative world where, you know, there's very little structure where there's just something sometimes just pain flying in all directions and it's messy, but then there's also business and business needs to be structured. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: There need to be books kept and you know, there are two different mindsets already that. Creatives need to navigate between. And, um, Yeah. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: I've observed that. A lot of my friends are struggling these days due to I guess, external circumstances. And, um, I also see some people succeed. So I was wondering, you know, could that be a mindset thing? Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Could be, could it be the mindset that, that makes. Creatives succeed. And in times of challenge and others, you know, might be stuck in their own little corner and can't can find a way out of it. Well, what is your take on Jessica Schembri: Yeah. Yeah. Something that Springs to mind, which I. I'm very passionate about, and I loved it when you talked about, you know, that creative, that creative side. And then obviously that structural side of business, I, I relate that a lot to the feminine masculine balance. So, Jan 'Yarn' Muths: um, Jessica Schembri: um, you know, typically you would use. Jessica Schembri: You would kind of be more inclined to say that the masculine side, because every, every one, every, every human has a level of both feminine and masculine within them. And I teach a lot of this when I'm talking around business strategy and structure and how to do that. And I would kind of see, so when I'm talking about masculine, you would think about words like discipline. Jessica Schembri: You would think about words like decisiveness structure, um, those types of words. And when you're talking about feminine, you would talk about words like flow and surrender and freedom and all of those things, which I think is a space that artists would tend to go into and they're in creation. Yeah. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Yes. Jessica Schembri: Is that like, you know, flow state, is that not wanting to be confined by, oh, we've only got one hour to record a song or because we may need three or we, the words come to us in the middle of the night or whenever they are meant to. Jessica Schembri: So, um, in business, I definitely think there's a really good, there's a good amount of strategy that you can adopt when it comes to how often you need to be in each side or in each state, which, um, which for me works really well. So, um, and, and obviously I'm not sure whether you have more male listeners or female, but I think it does almost relate across, across the board. Jessica Schembri: Um, What would you say in terms of that? Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Um, I have no statistics, but I would assume it's about parity. I'd hope to, to have about parody. Jessica Schembri: Okay. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: I definitely don't want to, this podcast will be male or female based at all. I want to be inclusive for everyone. Jessica Schembri: Yeah. Yeah. So I'll, um, I'll just give you a little bit of context in terms of what I believe the balances in terms of masculine and feminine energy. I believe that. It's about 60 40. So if you're a, if you're a male you're 60% masculine and 40% feminine and vice versa, if you're a female, 60% feminine, 40% masculine. Jessica Schembri: But what a lot of us have trouble with is being hyper aware of when we need to tune into a certain part of that. Right. And so females love being female and males generally like being male, you know, they like doing the men things, but then when it comes to bringing creativity into it, um, it's almost like this. Jessica Schembri: I suppose what you would call like this limit lesson boundless thing, where, when you're an artist, it's so easy for time to just disappear and it's so easy to, to have to be in that trust process and give it all you've got. Um, and then what I would be assuming happens a lot is there is no structure put into place because we're too busy trying to create. Jessica Schembri: And not actually like figure out the structure behind the business and be really resourceful and clever with strategy behind it. Are you, are you kind of following that in terms of where, where people might be able to, to benefit? Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Yes, definitely. Definitely. I think just the awareness. Can be really helpful. Jessica Schembri: Yeah. Jessica Schembri: Yeah. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: um, Yeah. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: I think everybody has got, you know, different way to manage that. And for myself, for example, I've found that, um, the mornings are my creative time, you know, once the kids are out of the house and the dust settles, that's when I open up mixes. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: And that's when I, you know, get into that, what you mentioned as flow state, and, you know, I do all of those things and it lasts a couple of hours and then indeed lunch. And when I come back, it's often, you know, It's a different energy for me. And that's the time when I answer emails or do bookkeeping. And I guess everybody is different. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: I know that a lot of my friends are night owls. They are creative in the middle of the night and that's fine. Jessica Schembri: Mm. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: But, uh, so you're suggesting to sort of structure a day so that you get a bit of both, you know, for yes. Jessica Schembri: Well, it's a, it's a good place to start and I suppose, um, and then when it comes to the mindset, I think when, when starting any business, we have to be really realistic around what our end point is and what our goals are. And I often say to my clients start where you want to end. So what a lot of people will do. Jessica Schembri: Um, and I've, I'm guilty of it. So I'll have to like give you all the disclaimer I've been in business for 20 years and I've failed many times. I've I've run businesses where. You know, we've, we've had commercial leases and we're our income wasn't flowing and we hadn't been able to pay the bills properly. Jessica Schembri: And we, like, we would not treat the clients as well as we possibly could because of lack of systems. And, and so it's been, it hasn't been something that I've just read out of a textbook and gone. Oh, that sounds like a good quote. It's actually been through a lot of experience and a lot of failure that I can give you that advice. Jessica Schembri: And so what I mean by that is number one, having a vision that's long-term is really important, um, understanding what your goal is. And this is something that not only relates to business, but it relates to everything in life. So I would always say to somebody, if they were about to have a conversation with someone, or if they're about to make a decision, what's the outcome. Jessica Schembri: Where do you want to add? It's a great quality question, right? Like what's the outcome of today. What's the outcome of this podcast. What's the outcome of your business ownership? And so if. You're first able to be very clear on the end goal, then you will understand the kind of work involved. So when I, um, when I started my coaching business, it was very easy for me to just take clients on board and send them no contracts and just give them an invoice and then just tell them the zoom code and then just hope they remembered it. Jessica Schembri: Whereas. I didn't allow for the, from my growth in business. And so then when my business grew rapidly, I realized that there were so many systems that I hadn't bothered implementing. And so I didn't start with the end goal in mind. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: I see. That's like growing pains in a business sense. Jessica Schembri: Yes. Yes. Um, so for example, Jan 'Yarn' Muths: can relate to. Jessica Schembri: uh, it's, it's my third year as a full-time coach. Right. And I feel like I've been doing it a lifetime, but you know, there were times when I'd gotten so overwhelmed because I had so many clients and I couldn't, I didn't have a system that just automatically put those. Those appointments into my calendar automatically sent that person a reminder, or, um, I didn't have a day when I paid bills. Jessica Schembri: So every five minutes I'd be like, oh, which bill needs paying? Or like becoming extremely scattered and not getting anywhere fast because I didn't have this. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Um, Jessica Schembri: So then I really sat down and I thought about what my end goal was. And so that, that can be a few things. It can be a financial end goal, um, a lifestyle end goal or a work life balance and goal. Jessica Schembri: Um, and then. As humans we have human needs. So, you know, some people work because, and if anybody wants to look that up, there's, um, there's a really easy test that you can do through Tony Robbins. Who's a motivational speaker, a huge six human needs tests, but we all also work. Uh, our basic human need. Now my number one human need is contribution, which is why I love doing what I do. Jessica Schembri: Like I'm driven by helping people. It's physically a part of my being, whereas. Somebody else's human need could be, um, connection. So if you take connection away from that person, let's, let's put an example. You're an artist and you love getting in the studio and you love hanging out with other musicians and going to festivals and all that's taken away. Jessica Schembri: You're left with no connection. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: That's true. I believe that Jessica Schembri: are. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: The musicians are. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: experiencing at the moment or have been experiencing for a four year, a year and a half now. yeah. You're spot on. Jessica Schembri: Um, same with significance. Like if you're a significance driven person and none of these are negative either. So some people would see the word significance and think it's negative, but, Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Can you explain what you mean by significant? Jessica Schembri: So, um, I'll give you an example. So my ex-husband was a award-winning photographer and he's an amazing photographer, but he was driven by winning the awards because he loves. Jessica Schembri: Being made significant. He loved being told he was great. He loved having the, um, the titles, um, which actually was positive for him because it drove him to try harder and to create better imagery as a result. Whereas I couldn't care less that my, you know, my podcast hit number 11 in Australia a couple of years ago. Jessica Schembri: It felt nice, but I was kind of like, who cares? Like it would be like hitting the number one in the charts or being an artist in the triple J's hottest 100, like someone would be like, fuck. Yeah, that was the best thing ever. And someone else would not care. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Yes. Jessica Schembri: They would be like, oh, okay. So now that I've got more fame, I'm earning more money. Jessica Schembri: I can give more to charity Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Yes, I can really relate to that. You know, from a musician's perspective, you know, some are obsessed by the idea of being a number one hit artist or playing the big stages or. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: world tour. And others are just very happy to play the local pub every couple of weeks. And there's a place for everything there's no wrong or right. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: And it really depends on what wants desire is, I guess, is that right? Jessica Schembri: Yeah. And so understanding yourself, and then also understanding that, or having a basic idea of the end goal is super important when you're starting a business, because then you understand the work that's required. So. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Oh, that makes so much sense. Jessica Schembri: Yeah, so that if you let that land, it really does. Like, it's a really good question. Jessica Schembri: What, um, what my work involves is just the curiosity of humans, understanding ourselves better. Why do I do that? That way? Why don't I do. This way what's going on for me there. Like I would, I would just put down work at any moment if someone invites me for a glass of wine, because I am also very connection driven, so contribution, and then connection is very important to me. Jessica Schembri: Um, so for example, when I crafted my business, I knew that I was going to need to be able to connect and help people. And I knew that there was a certain amount of money I wanted to earn. And then I also thought about, and that also pertains to our responsibilities in life, you know? And so it's really worthwhile thinking about it all. Jessica Schembri: And then what you, what you're able to do from that place is reverse engineer and be realistic. With what you might need to do in order to heighten the odds of you achieving what you want to achieve. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: I see. Yes, it all connects. Yes. Jessica Schembri: Yeah. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Perfect. Okay. Jessica Schembri: So just to put that in context, which might be helpful. Um, and I used to, I used to also work in a network marketing business, and I used to coach a lot around that because people would go, I want to earn this much per month. And, and, you know, it was back in those days, this was about five or six years ago, but it was very much like if you could earn 20,000 a month, you'd be a success. Jessica Schembri: You know, that all sounded amazing. Right. But. When you sat with someone and reverse engineered the work. So I, I was very successful in that business and I did get to a point where I was earning great money. I was doing like 60 to a hundred reach-outs a day. I didn't stop. I was fiercely dedicated to doing all the shit. Jessica Schembri: No one else wanted to do. Right. And I was like, there is no way I'm not making this work. Because I also got told by somebody, I probably wouldn't make it work. And I was like, you tell me that I'm going to make it work. So Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Oh, okay. So Jan 'Yarn' Muths: in some ways that person did you a favor, Jessica Schembri: yes, they did. Absolutely. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: a certain spark in you? That's fantastic. Okay. Yeah. I love that. I love that. I can see myself in a lot of things that, that you've explained. And in some ways I wish I had had this talk with you 10 years ago, that would have saved me so much time and learned so many things in life, the hard way now, but that's, that's so true. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Um, is it okay if I change the subject a little bit? Um, Jessica Schembri: Yeah. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: so. Your podcast is the abundance hub in the abundance mindset is something that fascinates me. And I consider myself a student of that probably at the beginning of the learning curve still. But you know, I'm fascinated by that. Is it fair to say that the opposite of that would be a victim mentality? Jessica Schembri: Pretty much. Yeah. Hit the nail on the head. Yes. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Can, can you expand on this a little bit? Let's maybe start with a negative first. If you don't mind victim mentality, what is that? What what's going on in somebody's mind and what does it do? What, what limits does it's set around a person? Jessica Schembri: Yeah, this is, um, it's perfect timing for this because I just recorded a podcast which goes for about an hour, almost on this complete subject. So my mind is very fresh around it. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: look out. I want the link and we're going to put that in the show notes. If that's okay with you, Jessica Schembri: Yes. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: please, please tell me about. Jessica Schembri: Yeah. Well, there's, there's a really good one that, um, the people could actually listen to that's available now, which is the seven levels of consciousness, which I talk about on a previous podcast. Jessica Schembri: But this one that I just recorded and what I'll talk to you guys about today is. Is the map of consciousness and this is a little bit woo, but I'll, I'll give it to you. And I think any creative, any human should understand this, right? So, and I'll give you the short version, but basically we talk about energetic frequency or vibrational frequency and. Jessica Schembri: One of the lowest, so that there's a scale and it goes between zero being the lowest frequency and a thousand being the highest a thousand is classed as enlightenment, you know, becoming a guru, never seeing the bad in anything, just being. Being completely ineffable. Just everything is what it is. You know, you can picture an Indian guru. Jessica Schembri: He enlightened. It is what it is. There's no need to fast. There is nothing to worry about. And one of the lowest vibrational state. Is shame and that relates very directly to being a victim. And so when people say victim, victim mentality, a lot of people find that very jarring. They're like, I'm not a victim, but anytime you take anything and you don't take full personal responsibility for it, you becoming a victim, Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Okay. Jessica Schembri: anything. Jessica Schembri: Right. And so there are a few different ways that people can play in that arena of that low level vibration. But a lot of it, when people are in victim mentality, they will say things like, well, because of COVID, we can't make. Right or because all the venues are shut down, we've got nothing to do. Um, I'm using your, your industry as some examples or because I had a divorce and I'm a struggling single parent. Jessica Schembri: It's too hard for me to run a business on my own, which is, could be something I could say. I don't though. I transfer that into a better state of vibrational state, which would be a willingness and an acceptance of. Of what we're experiencing. So when you're in victim, shame, blame, anger, fear, anxiety, all those words, which we can all deeply relate to at one point, um, we're playing at about 10 to 20% of our potential in life, which is to me, scary. Jessica Schembri: Yeah. So you picture yourself as an artist. Who's got this talent and you're still every day you're waking up and you're thinking COVID mandates rules, this Spotify charging nothing for our music, et cetera. We're finding all the problems. We're not, we're not able to see past it. And then we want to go and create. Jessica Schembri: There's a piece of music. Right. But where our energy is at like 10 to 20% of where it could be. And so whether you believe it or not, it's, it's science and it's true where you create. Is so important, right? So if you're sitting down in victim anger, shame, fear, frustration mode, and you're creating art from that place or music from that place, you can, I'm not saying it's a definite failure, but you can only imagine the difference of creating from a place of, um, maybe not even an abundance mentality. Jessica Schembri: But even just unacceptance mentality Jan 'Yarn' Muths: I see. Jessica Schembri: or different energetic vibration, Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Okay. Jessica Schembri: we only attract what we are and where we create from Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Oh, that, that, that is that's gold. What you just said. I figured out in my own life, that what I experienced is often an echo of myself. Jessica Schembri: yes. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: It's that if I am negative about something other negative things seem to have. Come as an echo effect and they, they just simply show up on the doorstep and I have no control over it, but it also works in the positive way. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: So once I, you know, get over myself and finally pick up the phone and reach out to a client, suddenly amazing things happen is that your experience as well? Jessica Schembri: Yes, absolutely. Um, so. A lot of people struggle with that concept because if they have things exterior, like we could use our current climate with, you know, the mandates and COVID as a good example, it's very hard for people to come to that understanding because they're like, well, no, what happened there? Jessica Schembri: I had no control over that. Right? Like, so a lot of people struggle with the concept of like what you think and how you be is what you create. Ultimately, it can be a very empowering concept because if we are to fiercely work on our energy, our energetic number, our energetic frequency and, and create more consciously from that place. Jessica Schembri: Like how fun is it to be able to play with that idea and go, what if I created from the path of least resistance? Right. Just no attachment to the outcome, creating from a path, a place of, um, what's the word? No lack, no scarcity, no. Um, scarcity mentality, no victim mentality. And just having a completely different viewpoint will, will ultimately guarantee you more success than the opposite. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: So we're just making always slowly way from the victim mentality to the other end, which is the abundance mindset. Can you explain that in, in your words, how, what kind of a mindset is that what's going on in somebody's mind? Who's who's got that. Jessica Schembri: Yeah. So we moved through different, um, like different there's different names for these different levels. And we move through these different frequencies. And when we get about halfway, which is around that. That 500 number. We we've moved into like past our, our BS and now, you know, our problems and our victim mentality to a place of acceptance and courage. Jessica Schembri: So that's where it first kind of starts is. That frequency of like I'm accepting things the way they are, and I'm going to be courageous anyway. And I'm going to keep and become resourceful and start having optimism as a part of my life and all those types of words. And then we start to move up into the highest states, which ultimately have no option, but to attract abundance, which is love, joy and peace. Jessica Schembri: I mean, and if anyone is listening, like literally just saying the words, love, joy and peace makes you feel so good. Like when you say the word blame victim trauma, it just feels heavy. Right? Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Okay. Yeah. Jessica Schembri: But saying like, I want to embody a state of love today. Being at peace is, is one, one level down from enlightenment. Jessica Schembri: Joy is under that. And love is under that. So what about if you learned to love the challenge of Spotify being. What about if you loved, what if you found joy in the fact that instead of being in person for gigs, there was this crazy new pivot point or this new invention that you could make, or this, this, something else like, or what if you found peace in it and you were just able to create no matter what, and just be at complete peace. Jessica Schembri: From that place, it's actually impossible for the abundance, not to show up. It's it's a physical universe. God, whatever you believe in the highest source. And you know, you would hear people say the universe provides for me or, and you know, people like, oh, hippies and their, you know, their, their thoughts on the world, but physically when your brainwaves and your neurology as working from that perspective. Jessica Schembri: If nothing goes wrong, like, and I've been at, I've been at the bottom, you know, if anyone listens to my podcasts, like a year and a half ago, I was left with my marriage breaking up. I had debt only. And, um, I had no money in my account. Like I didn't have, I think I might've had five grand or something at one point, but I really didn't have a lot. Jessica Schembri: And I had two children and rent to pay and all these things. So I can definitely, you know, I suppose just relate to those feelings of scarcity. But what I realized is that when I was creating from that place, it didn't work for me. Clients didn't come opportunities didn't arise. And as soon as I gave way and was able to look at everything and say, I actually know I'm supported. Jessica Schembri: Like I know that I'm supported by the universe by God, by source, whatever you choose to believe in. And I know that when I'm in a full place of acceptance and love, I know that the everything will channel, everything will come to me, which does sound a bit. Woo. But it's, I believe it's, um, I believe it's impossible for abundance not to come to humans that are operating from that place. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: And it really sounds like a mind set that I really want to be in. You know, that sounds like a happy place. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: to be. Um, Jan 'Yarn' Muths: is it true to say that, you know, when you're in the space, that the more you share, the more you get back. Jessica Schembri: absolutely. Yes. Yes. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: So many things to start to connect to my mind right now, just recently I did an interview with a friend of mine, Jacob, who's a musician and he basically decided that as COVID came running, a band was not the right thing, but he accepted that and didn't fight it. Instead. He started his own YouTube channel and before he know it, Six-figure a clicks and is probably making some money. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: I'm not quite sure. I didn't ask the question, but that's an example where he just started to give away his music and then suddenly something comes back and he made a bit of a breakthrough they reckon. And he's probably just starting. He who knows where he ends up at. Would that be an example of, of somebody moving away from victim mentality and into the realm of, of abundance? Jessica Schembri: Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. And Jan 'Yarn' Muths: also clear to me now. Jessica Schembri: yeah. And a good example of resourcefulness as well of acceptance, like, which is a high vibrational state is being accepting of your circumstances rather than moving resentful victimy so he accepted it and then he became resourceful and then he removed, um, scarcity. Jessica Schembri: Created from enjoyment Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Yeah. Jessica Schembri: from joy, right? High vibrational frequency, joy just did what he loved anyway Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Yes. Jessica Schembri: gave in surrendered, which is a feminine thing. Surrender. It doesn't matter if I don't make money, I'm going to go get the job or do the other thing to pay the rent. And I'm just going to give back and likely what he's already done. Jessica Schembri: We'll create something abundant for him. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Uh, I'm sure he's still young and you know, he's very talented and he's probably going to blow a big term one day. Jessica Schembri: Hmm. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: I wouldn't be surprised if that haven't, that that's, that's fantastic. You just mentioned the word scarcity. So that's also some kind of a mindset, like, you know, I just wrote a new song, but I don't want to show that to anybody else because they might steal it. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Is that, is that what you mean by scarcity? Jessica Schembri: Yeah. Yep. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: that's also part of the victim mentality or the negative mind. Jessica Schembri: It definitely can be. Yeah. Um, when we, when we think about scarcity, sometimes like people will create from, I suppose, another word, like desperation. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Yeah. Jessica Schembri: Scarcity desperation and need. Um, and what that does is it creates resistance. So there's not a flow with it. Um, and yeah, like when you talk about. People not showing songs or things like that. Jessica Schembri: Again, energetically that's coming from fear, anxiety, all those, those words, right. That we, we never want to create from. So, um, and that's probably like a big subject, but one thing that I've found, I mean, I'm, I'm in the coaching industry and a lot of my friends are coaches and we have been in that place where. Jessica Schembri: We would all kind of not talk to each other about our business. You know, we'd all be like, oh, I'm not going to talk to each other about our things. Cause they might do what we're doing. Um, but that's not an abundance mindset either. That's that scarcity of. There's not enough work out there. There's not enough clients out there. Jessica Schembri: You know, there's not enough humans to, to pay me for my thing. Um, what if I act this way or I create that and it doesn't work. What's going to happen. So it's this it's again, it's that fear, secretiveness being unresourceful. Um, but one of the best ways to move past that is, especially if we're using like an example of. Jessica Schembri: Sharing your stuff with other people is to again, go back to where we started, which is understanding yourself and being inquisitive with your behavior going, what is this about for me? Am I scared that someone might steal this idea? Or am I worried about judgment? That might, they won't like my song or. Jessica Schembri: What is it? So it's about self-inquiry because then what you can do is you can go into the next opportunity for communication and say like, um, I'll give you an example. I said to one of my girlfriends, who's also a coach. We both live on the gold coast were best friends. We're very similar. Um, you know, I said to her. Jessica Schembri: Sometimes I think, oh, I don't want to tell anyone who I'm using as a mentor, because I don't want everyone using the same mentor because then, you know, like we all might be the same or, um, I don't want to show you what I'm launching. Cause what, if you think that's a good idea and new launch, the same thing or, um, but what was more important was me expressing, and we both had some really honest conversations that filtered through, but I'll just share what I was expressing, which was. Jessica Schembri: There's fear popping up for me here. Right. And so when I was able to genuinely feel it and go, well, I'm actually just a bit scared that you might steal it or you might copy it, or you might think it's shit. Or then this whole channel of acceptance and love came in. And so that same process could be used with artists of saying, well, I can get very. Jessica Schembri: Curious with my behavior and then I can try and understand it. And then I can work from a place of like, I'd love to show you this, but I, I really would, would really like to know that you're going to go easy on me or I'm really looking for a critical eye on this, or I'm a bit wary that. Something in here is I feel it's a really deeply my creation and I really don't want someone like anyone to jump the bit and take this from me. Jessica Schembri: But ultimately again, we come back to abundance mindset, which is there's no new idea. There's no new lyric. There's no new nothing. We've been, this planet's been around for too long. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: it's all been there already is. Jessica Schembri: I I can say isn't something I haven't experienced, heard read. It's not me in creation. It's just my delivery of. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Yes. Oh, that is so true. But you mentioned reminds me of some of the best concerts that I've been to, and it's not always. It's not the concerts where people play the most complex scales or the technical elements of. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: music that are in the back of my mind that leave a lasting impression. It's usually the concerts where the musicians just enjoyed themselves on stage, more than any other band I've ever seen. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: You know, this, this enjoyment is usually what jumps across and makes the audience jump rather than playing, you know, a certain court better than somebody else's or more courts in a song. Jessica Schembri: Yeah. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: I guess that feeds into the abundance mindset as well, that, you know, sharing a positive energy enjoyment. It's it's somewhat contagious, isn't it? Jessica Schembri: yeah. And how do you want people to feel in your. Energy when you're singing or you're creating, you know, cause ultimately that's what I believe the best songs are created from is a feeling right. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: That is so true. That is so true. Yes, it, look, this just went right down to the absolute core of my business. That's basically what I do when I mix, I just take audio files, random modifieds and make them, so I feel something and only when I am super excited about it, then I pass it back to my clients and only then, and I think that's what people hear. Jessica Schembri: Yeah. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: excitement. And there's also, you know, the saying that with your eyes closed, when he listened to a song, you can hear the player smile. You can hear a smile through the playing and, you know, I think that's, that's the magic, that's the magic of creativity and the music. Okay. And obviously that can't really come from, from a place where somebody is in a victim mentality or in a scarcity mindset, worried about life and worry about sharing the music. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: It only can come from, you know, the happy feeling of sharing it. With everybody. Well, this is Steve. Jesse covers is really deep. I, I have to almost apologize because you know, this podcast went into a direction that I didn't fully plan. Jessica Schembri: that's cool. I Jan 'Yarn' Muths: I didn't, didn't brief you on all of these things yet, but, Um, Jan 'Yarn' Muths: another subject that I would like to touch on, if that's okay with you, is. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Finishing projects. And I guess that ties into what we spoke about already that I've met so many people who work on their music four year or two years or three years. And they, it. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: almost seems to me like they are scared of finishing it up. Um, what what's going on in somebody's mind when, when people just can't finish a creative process, Jessica Schembri: Yeah. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: can you, can you shine some light on that? Jessica Schembri: Um, the first thing that comes to mind is what we're basically all struggling with a lot, which is fear of three things, which is fear of judgment, fear of failure, or fear of success. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Oh, that's a good one. I think the first two I can relate to a lot and I'm pretty, pretty sure that most musicians have a bit of that in themselves as well. How do you or come those things? Jessica Schembri: How do you overcome that? Um, um, the first thing is we have to learn how to not judge ourself. So we have to step into that place of like fully feeling our wholeness and not judging our creative process. So for example, How, how did I get to a point where I'm happy to be on someone's podcast, not knowing what questions being really going to be asked and, and just knowing that I'm, I've got value to add, right? Jessica Schembri: It's like a process of just breaking down that need for perfection, like breaking down the, the, um, The societal, like ideology around what that even is, you know, I use this with my female clients. Like what makes someone attractive or pretty like nothing. Like, I believe it's energy, but because somebody said, oh, well, if you're, if you're 10 kilos overweight, according to society, or if, if your music is. Jessica Schembri: On trend or if your hair isn't this way, like we have all these, we have all this, all this built up conditioning that causes us to judge ourselves so much. And so number one is starting to be. Fall in love with your process and with who you are and acceptance of yourself. And just getting back to that place, because I find that I was very judgmental of others, which was a clear indication of how much I judged myself. Jessica Schembri: So again, mirrors. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Oh, that's cool. Jessica Schembri: That guy's music shit. You know, that guy, that guy, his voice is no good. I don't know how he ever made it versus like power to your brother, like well done for making it like, so we do that. Um, one thing that I, um, That I do with my clients. And this comes to having money, not having money, having success, not having success, being in a relationship, not being in a relationship, um, is having an understanding of duality, which is, you know, the higher, the low, the up the down. Jessica Schembri: So everything in life has duality. So, um, war and peace up and down, hot and cold love and hate are all examples, you know? And so what most people do is they chase the high of success and they want to avoid the low of failure. one of the easiest ways, it's not that easy, but one of the ways that I teach people to, um, to lose that, that feeling, and we do this with everything, right. Jessica Schembri: We we're always chasing pleasure. We're trying to get away from pain, you know, is to understand that even. At the top with the most success and all the money, you're still gonna have the same number of problems. They're just going to be different problems. And even with nothing, you're still gonna have the same amount of pleasure available to you and joy available. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Well, Jessica Schembri: It's and I got this really deep when I was in India because you know, people travel overseas and they say, oh, you know, I could see this person living in poverty and it just made me feel so grateful for the running water I have. But what I did is I went to India, looking for how these people have more than me, because it was very obvious. Jessica Schembri: They had less, they didn't have my bag, my clothes, the money in the, my account, the ability to travel the hotel rooms, et cetera. They was living in, in slums and eating with their hands and barefoot and no, no drinking water and all these things. Right. Um, and some very extreme levels of poverty and some medium, but I went and seek out the opportunity to see where they had more than me, because I believe so deeply in duality. Jessica Schembri: And what I realized is that the people that lived in the. Awful slums. And they had, you know, the babies and the young parents and the grandparents and the great-grandparents and the auntie and the sister, and they were farming carrots and that's all they did. And they never had days off and they never went anywhere. Jessica Schembri: They didn't have phones, they didn't know what public transport look like, et cetera. Um, what they did have that I didn't have was like an abundance of time and abundance of connection and abundance. Actual freedom. The ability to just be with the people they love consistently, you know, and these things we often don't have. Jessica Schembri: And so if you have a perception that when you feel when you get to a certain point and you'll be happy, like I remember thinking. If I get $10,000 in my account, I'll be happy. And then I got that and I was like, I'm not that happy. You know, like what, what I was trying to attain was silly. And so what I lent into instead was how do I cultivate happiness right now? Jessica Schembri: Like how do I understand that there's physically nothing that can bring me it, the success means nothing. If you already feel successful. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: I got it while this is gold. This is good. I love what you just said. Jessica Schembri: So what if you were to just, and this is a practice I do when I feel scarce, I like I'm literally recording in my daughter's bedroom cause it sound as good in here. But if I was just to stand and look at what I had, I would already feel abundant and successful. I've got a bed. I've got like, you know, you stand in the shower and you let the water run over your back. Jessica Schembri: And does, do you ever think, holy moly, that is clean drinking water available for free with multitude of temperatures? No, we just stand in there and we wash ourselves. Whereas when you're in that mindset of like tuning into what you have or tuning into how successful you are. So I do this thing with my clients. Jessica Schembri: Where I say brag, like brag about everything you've done. Well today I made my bed. I brush my teeth. I paid my bills on time. I wanted my plants. I created OD. I gave the person, I love a kiss. I was nice to my kids. I'm already a success. Right. So anything else is just a bonus. Now, Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Okay. Jessica Schembri: also in the energetic frequency of already feeling the success, you can attract it because it's familiar to. Jessica Schembri: Which is something you should actually really let sink in. So when you already feel the vibration of success, you can attract more of it because it's familiar to you Jan 'Yarn' Muths: that is so good. Jessica Schembri: as if in the vibration of failure, you can attract more of it because humans lack, familiarity, even the negative side of it. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: And I think that's what I described earlier as the echo that I've felt, you know, the world was an echo of myself. That's getting more of what you already had. That's interesting. So it all starts with ourselves. Shouldn't try to change the world around us. We should just look at ourselves and change ourselves. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Is that what you're saying? Isn't that? Jessica Schembri: inward, everything comes from going in. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Wow. Jessica, thank you so much. This has been nothing short of phenomenal for me, very enlightening for me personally. And I really hope that, you know, it. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: means just as much to her, to the listeners. This has been a real pleasure. I think. You just sold me. I'm wanting to buy your courses. we can finish up recording and have a quick chat about that. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: But, um, I think I need more of that. Um, it's, it's really enlightening to me, so I really hope that it helps others as Well, And thank you so much for meeting with me today and sharing all of this because. Yeah, I guess I can see it in you, you know, I can see you in front of me. You have a certain vibe around you. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: That's just shines a sudden light. And I, yeah, I can sense that here. That's fantastic. Jessica Schembri: You're very welcome. Um, thank you for having me. It's always like a deep honor because you know, I'm from a really humble place. Like I, I never imagined my life to be the way it's turned out. Um, I never. Yeah, because sometimes I feel emotional about it, but, you know, I never could have pictured this for myself, but I just kept committing to growing and I just kept committing to being curious. Jessica Schembri: And, and so then when people like you come to me and say, Hey, I love what you're doing. Can you share? It's it's actually an honor for me to be in your space. So thank you so much. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: It's fantastic to have. Holy moly. Wow. What an episode I took so much out for myself. It was almost like a business therapy session for myself. Um, so. That there was heaps of awesome information in there for you as well. Jessica, thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and your insight. I think we all can learn something from you. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: You're an amazing human being. And thank you for sharing. If you want to know more about Jessica Schambri, check out her podcast, it's called the abundance of podcast and it's available on every platform that. Uh, you can also check out our website. It's called and of course the link is in the show notes on her website. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: Jessica offers business coaching for range of different businesses from small startups to big businesses. This might be something for you at some stage, or maybe you can recommend her to somebody, you know, Thanks again for being on board today. I love this conversation and I will be in touch again. I need more of your wisdom and hopefully this will help me to be more successful in my own business. Thank you So much for listening. If you enjoyed this episode, please go to your podcast app and leave us a five-star review. That would be fantastic. And if you can please also just leave a little written review that would really make. If you have any questions, if you would like to reach out, please join me on Facebook, on the production talk podcast community. Jan 'Yarn' Muths: It's our Facebook page, where I hang around, answer questions where you can find like-minded. Or alternatively, if you want to reach out to me for mixed on services, please contact me at that are you. I'm curious to find out more about you and your music, and I'm really looking forward to speaking to you. thank you so much. for listening today. I'll speak to you next week. Talk soon. Bye.

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